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TPHA Scholarships
Awarded to students members for the purpose of providing financial aid and encouragement to attend the college of their choice for the purpose of pursuing a degree in the field of public health. The number of scholarships to be awarded as well as the dollar amount of scholarship monies available will be announced after the Association’s Spring Quarterly Meeting.


  • Applicant or immediate family member of applicant must be a TPHA member in good standing for at least one year at the time of application.
  • Scholastic record of not less than a 2.5 average on a 4.0 system.  Transcript of last completed semester or high school transcript must accompany application.
  • Applicants course of study must be applicable to public health employment.  Degree plan or course outline must accompany application.
 To apply for a scholarship complete and submit the Scholarship Application.
Texas Public Health Association
PO Box 9610
Longview, Texas 75608

(903)309-3380 phone